About Joey
Joey moved to Charlotte in 2008 and loves it here! She started the Charlotte Geeks after returning from Dragon*Con and whining "But I don't want to wait 360 days to hang out with my people again!!" Self-dubbed the GiddyGeeker, her geekdoms are Doctor Who, Marvel, Boardgaming, British TV (MisFits, Orphan Black, Sherlock, The IT Crowd, etc) and she is slightly addicted to FUNKO pops. Check here out here or listen to her on the Guardians of the Geekery podcast.

4,221! Con-Tagion Food Drive Results Are In

February 17, 2019 Joey

On Saturday, February 9th, the Charlotte Geeks with the help of the Queen City Harry Potter Alliance, hosted a food drive at Queens University Sports Complex. The food drive was a part of Muggles Market Too, the kid sister event of the Muggles Market held every fall. The Muggles Market […]

Geek Blogs

Chewbacca, he’s a friend of mine.

April 5, 2012 Joey

There’s something rather awesome about the power of the internet.  For example, yesterday I posted on Facebook about one of my foster dogs, Rascal – showing his latest photos, extolling his attributes and virtues, in general, just telling people what’s going on and asking them to pass his info along […]

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