The Geekery Market Spotlight: Space Wizard Science Fantasy

Welcome to The Geekery Market (formerly the Muggles Market). We are excited for our next event – just in time for all your geeky holiday shopping needs! As usual, we’ll be introducing you all to our artisans/authors/artists, sponsors, and activities for the Market every week as we get closer to the big day.

Please allow me to introduce to you one of our new artisans, William Tracy of Space Wizard Science Fantasy. Space Wizard Science Fantasy is a small indie publisher focusing on telling stories with queer elements and under-represented people.

Answers to our 5 Geeky Questions

Tell us about the geeky goodness you’ll be bringing to the next Geekery Market! Space Wizard Science Fantasy is a local small press featuring queer science fiction and fantasy titles. We’ll be bringing nearly 30 different titles this year ranging from standalones to series to anthologies. Buy more gay books! We also have a selection of cool keychains, pins, buttons, stickers, and beeswax candles from our beehives!

How did you get started doing what you do? William C. Tracy started self-publishing books in 2016 with his Dissolutionverse series: space opera with music based magic. In 2021 he branched out into a small press called Space Wizard Science Fantasy to help uplift marginalized and underrepresented voices in publishing. The first book released by the press was Distant Gardens, a lesbian SFF anthology with a theme of strange plants. Since then Space Wizard has had two successful Kickstarter campaigns, each raising about $18k to highlight new books, and raise money for publishing costs and author payments. We’re putting out 12 new queer books a year!

What’s an item you are bringing that you are really excited about? This year we’ve been able to produce some really stellar hardcover omnibuses. One is of the Dissolution Trilogy, another of the collected Dissolutionverse short stories, and a third of the lesbian space opera Ardulum series. These books have color pictures, and are each about 1100 pages! They’re really great collectors’ items, and ONLY sold at markets like these, so get them while you have the chance!

What else would you like everyone to know about your wares? If you’re looking to support queer writers, or you want to see stories where you are represented and haven’t been able to, come to our table! We have books with gay, lesbian, transgender and nonbinary leads, and societies with multiple genders. Plus, we publish great science fiction and fantasy works with hopeful themes and excellent characters and worldbuilding.

What’s your favorite holiday story? Great question! I would have to say Tolkien’s “The Father Christmas Letters.” It’s a little obscure, but if you haven’t read this before, give it a try! Tolkien details Santa’s life, as seen by the elves, including polar bears and battles with goblins!.

Where you can find on the interwebs!

About Carol the Cat 37 Articles
Carol is another member of Guardians of the Geekery (official podcast of The Charlotte Geeks) and is a voracious reader and lover of geekery. She helped launch and run The Carolina Renaissance Festival for over 14 years (and the sister festival in Arizona) and was the programming director for ConCarolinas for another 14 years. She helps out faithfully with our own Geek Gala - often traveling to various cons to man tables and host parties.