The Geekery Market Spotlight: Nancy E. Dunne, Author

Welcome to The Geekery Market (formerly the Muggles Market). We are excited for our next event – just in time for all your geeky holiday shopping needs! As usual, we’ll be introducing you all to our artisans/authors/artists, sponsors, and activities for the Market every week as we get closer to the big day.

Please allow me to introduce to you one of our new artisans, Nancy E. Dunne, Author. Nancy is a multi-genre fantasy writer who has been creating stories since she was a child. She lives and works in the Upstate area of South Carolina with her husband, Simon, Irish Wolfhounds Bryn and Ciaragh, and her terrier mix, Willow-Pickle.

Answers to our 5 Geeky Questions

Tell us about the geeky goodness you’ll be bringing to the next Geekery Market! I am an indie, self-published author who will have copies of my epic fantasy series The Orana Chronicles, my steampunk novel, Strid, and my litRPG duology, the World of Arcstone, to sell and sign. The Orana Chronicles includes eight titles, two complete series and one that will add a new novel published after the first of the year. The World of Arcstone is about a young woman who finds a way into her MMORPG…and then needs a way back out. Strid is about two sisters in Edwardian Yorkshire with an underwater gorge and a new take on Irish mythology to boot.

How did you get started doing what you do? I have been creating stories since I was old enough to talk, encouraged by an English teacher mother, and have been a published fantasy author since 2017. Prior to that, I published novels about my dogs written from their perspectives, but I just wanted to dive into fantasy worlds and never come back out — which may be how the World of Arcstone series came about?

What’s an item you are bringing that you are really excited about? One novel in the Orana Chronicles universe that I really love is Red. It is in the third series set in that world, and while it shares an overarching plot with the other novels in that world, it can be read as a stand-alone. It has one of my favorite characters that I’ve written, Tairn, as the main character and I just love her story. It and the book that follows it, The Temple, don’t seem to get as much attention as some others, but I think they are fantastic.

What else would you like everyone to know about your wares? I love being able to talk about writing, storytelling, and world-building with folks who visit my table at shows, and I hope that passion comes out in my writing. I’m also a certified language nerd (in my day job I’m a sign language interpreter), so I’ve taken great care to fold language and culture into my stories as well as magic and mayhem.

What’s your favorite holiday story? My favorite holiday movie is Love, Actually because it not only reminds me of the two years I lived abroad in the UK but is also one of those special memories from when I was first dating my husband..

Where you can find on the interwebs!

About Carol the Cat 34 Articles
Carol is another member of Guardians of the Geekery (official podcast of The Charlotte Geeks) and is a voracious reader and lover of geekery. She helped launch and run The Carolina Renaissance Festival for over 14 years (and the sister festival in Arizona) and was the programming director for ConCarolinas for another 14 years. She helps out faithfully with our own Geek Gala - often traveling to various cons to man tables and host parties.