The Concession Stand Is Open!

The concession stand at Cabarrus Arena & Events Center has once again provided a robust menu for all attending the Geekery Market this Saturday. This year’s menu includes both vegetarian and gluten-free options, as well as lots of geeky references and fun. A big shout out to their staff for all their support!

About Joey 85 Articles
Joey moved to Charlotte in 2008 and loves it here! She started the Charlotte Geeks after returning from Dragon*Con and whining "But I don't want to wait 360 days to hang out with my people again!!" Self-dubbed the GiddyGeeker, her geekdoms are Doctor Who, Marvel, Boardgaming, British TV (MisFits, Orphan Black, Sherlock, The IT Crowd, etc) and she is slightly addicted to FUNKO pops. Check here out here or listen to her on the Guardians of the Geekery podcast.