Davidson Community Players announced recently that they are looking for local writers to submit a short play for their annual festival of season shorts. This is not currently posted on their website, but it was sent out via their newsletter, and I have confirmed directly with their Executive Director, Steve Kaliski that this is indeed happening. We would love to see of some of our writing geeks get involved – and we’ll be following up with info about the festival itself when it is available. Let the plays begin!

Submission Guidelines

  • Original short plays between 8-12 pages
  • Written for a small stage, with limited to no technical elements
  • Incorporate themes, characters, or components that are inspired by the season (think spooky, Halloween, horror, autumn, etc)
  • Special Twist: Each play should include a “movie title” of a horror movie in a line of dialogue. Audience members will be guessing the title in each play for a chance to win a prize. (example line of dialogue: “ignore The Birds, they will chirp all morning” or “you’re acting Psycho“)
  • Please submit your play to
 [email protected] with the subject
 “Boos & Brews Play Submission”
  • Format as a PDF script with your name and identifying information removed for a fair evaluation and the “movie title” you reference underlined in the script
  • Submission deadline: August 31st at 11:59pm EST
About Joey 85 Articles
Joey moved to Charlotte in 2008 and loves it here! She started the Charlotte Geeks after returning from Dragon*Con and whining "But I don't want to wait 360 days to hang out with my people again!!" Self-dubbed the GiddyGeeker, her geekdoms are Doctor Who, Marvel, Boardgaming, British TV (MisFits, Orphan Black, Sherlock, The IT Crowd, etc) and she is slightly addicted to FUNKO pops. Check here out here or listen to her on the Guardians of the Geekery podcast.