2024 Geekery Market – Applications Are Open!

Applications for the 2024 Geekery Market opened today. This year’s event will be on Saturday, November 9th from 10am – 4pm at the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center. We are so excited to be returning to this wonderful venue and look forward to some of the new and improved things we’ll be having at the event.

In addition, we are very excited to confirm that Geeky Santa has already confirmed his return appearance! We loved having him last year, and he can’t wait to come back. We’ve also decided to move the music tent inside, and Braxton Ballew of Valentine Wolfe has offered to work with us to create some ambient, geeky music to soundtrack your shopping experience.

We’ve also adjusted some of the layout to allow for more amazing hand-crafted vendors, and add more fun activities for kids and adults alike.

If you are interested in selling, volunteering, or performing at this year’s Geekery Market – start your journey by clicking here.