Spotlight On: Rocky River Hills

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Spotlight On: Rocky River Hills


Rocky River Hills is a family-owned and operated North Carolina-based company that takes great pride in creating beautiful and unique pieces of wooden decor. This is their first year at the Geekery Market, and they took a few minutes to answer some questions for us.

What Else You Should Know About Them:

What kind of geeky goodness will you be bringing with you to the next Geekery Market?

I am bringing wooden video game pixel art.

What's an item you are bringing that you are really excited about?

Probably my Charmanders. Love them so much.

What was the first item you ever made? How did you learn to make it?

It was actually a vintage Mario pixel art. I used graph paper until I found some online resources.

What else would you like everyone to know about your wares?

Each cube of wood is cut by hand, painted by hand, and placed by hand. I don't cut any corners and strive to make the best quality wall art that I can. I'm super OCD about stuff so if it's not good enough for me, it's not good enough for anyone.

If you could travel anywhere in space or time, real or imagined, where would you want to go?

I'd travel back to the 80s. Man, that was a good time.

About Joey 24 Articles
Joey moved to Charlotte in 2008 and loves it here! She started the Charlotte Geeks after returning from Dragon*Con and whining "But I don't want to wait 360 days to hang out with my people again!!" Self-dubbed the GiddyGeeker, her geekdoms are Doctor Who, Marvel, Boardgaming, British TV (MisFits, Orphan Black, Sherlock, The IT Crowd, etc) and she is slightly addicted to FUNKO pops. Check here out here or listen to her on the Guardians of the Geekery podcast.