We are excited to announce the return of the Muggles Market, just in time for Valentine’s Day! This year’s theme is Muggles Market: Love and Plunder, combining our adoration of pirates and love. As usual, you have a wonderful opportunity to get to know our artists, writers, artisans, and entertainment through our Muggles Market Spotlights.
Chad Sanders of Just Chad is a new artisan with our Muggles Markets. We asked Chad a few questions about their life, work, and what treasures they’ll be bringing to Muggles Market: Love and Plunder.
Please tell us all about the plunder you’ll be bringing to Muggles Market.
I’ll be bringing custom made comic boxes with all of your favorite characters on them.
How did you get started making your glorious plunder?
I had a large collection of comics in dingy old boxes in my living room so I decided to give them some flavor by adding color and comics to them.
What’s an item you are bringing that you are really excited about?
I’m excited to be bringing more boxes based off more Indy comic titles. I mostly stick to Marvel and DC but have gotten a lot of requests lately for more characters like Spawn, Aliens, and Saga.
What else would you like everyone to know about your wares?
I’m a comic lover and collector, so I feel personally connected to each one of the boxes I make because they are usually made up of characters I’ve read up on.
What’s your favorite love or pirate story and why?
My favorite pirate story is a X-men comic that’s titled the Marauders.
You can find Just Chad on the interwebs on their Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justchad704/ !
And, of course, you will meet them in person at Muggles Market: Love and Plunder on Sunday February 5, 2023 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM at Queen’s Sports Complex, 2229 Tyvola Rd. Charlotte, NC 28210! It’s always a good time for pirates! So dress in your finest, sea-worthy garb, and come check out these awesome treasures!